UN to Trump: Accept Refugees and Illegal Aliens or Else

President Trump has released his updated travel ban and it looks to be legally bulletproof.

The State of Hawaii has filed a lawsuit against the revised Middle Eastern refugee ban, but it’s unlikely to be successful. In 2015, Hawaii resettled just FIVE refugees and none of them were from the six countries on the ban list. Hard to prove that Hawaii was negatively affected by the order…

Now, the DOJ is filing motions to dismiss the dozens of lawsuits against the old order. But lo and behold, a new challenger has emerged. The United Nations Human Rights Commission is meeting behind closed doors to debate whether to go after the United States for violating international law…

That’s right. There are bureaucrats in the UN considering suing the United States and forcing us to accept refugees and illegal aliens..

And the biggest slap in the face is that this whole lawsuit is being financed with our tax dollars!…
Enough of this nonsense. Send your urgent FaxBlast to Congress and DEMAND they pass Ted Cruz’s legislation to defund the UN once and for all!
Jordanian Prince Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein, the current UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, declared that President Trump’s policies are “in breach of international law,….

if undertaken without due process guarantees, including individual assessment.”

And there you have it. An Arab Prince, paid a salary using our tax money, threatened to take the United States to court if we don’t re-open our borders to unlimited refugees. He also threatened to take the US to court if Trump keeps deporting illegal aliens.

It would be a joke if this all weren’t being financed with our money. But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

After meeting with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, the bureaucrat in charge of the UN Climate Treaty also recently taunted the administration and declared the treaty was now “unstoppable.”


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