Liberals have been attacking White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders multiple times in the media over the past few weeks in sick displays of unprofessionalism. First, a reporter with the Los Angeles Times accused Huckabee of being nothing more than a “chunky soccer mom” and wondering why President Trump would ever hire her. The reporter was forced to apologize just a short time later. Then, a nurse with the University of Memphis made a remark on Twitter that “if she froze to death, she wouldn’t be missed,” after Sarah was lent an Army Ranger’s jacket in during Trump’s Asia trip. Mike Huckabee slammed back at the nurse with full force. “Woman teaches nursing at @uofmemphis and wishes my daughter would die. I feel sorry for someone so hateful and vicious. Poor woman makes Nurse Ratched look like Mother Teresa! How angry and bitter is a person who says that? Sad for your students and for you. The tweet was quickly remove...
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