Barbra Streisand targets Trump in new song ‘Don’t lie to me’
Music legend Barbra Streisand has released her own diss track targeting President Donald Trump in a song entitled ‘Don’t Lie to Me’. The 76-year-old singer’s new hit, released Thursday, is her first song since 2005 where she vents on the political climate under the Trump administration. Streisand said she initially aimed to include ‘very subtle’ references to Trump, but confessed ‘I just went ballistic’ in writing the lyrics. From the first words, the song targets Trump’s integrity saying: ‘Why can’t you just tell me the truth? It’s hard to believe the things you say.’ She continues: ‘How do you win if we all lose?/ You change the facts to justify/ Your lips move but your words get in the way.’ Her chorus questions the nation’s leader and pleads for change saying: ‘How do you sleep and the world keeps turning? All that we built has come undone/ How do you sleep when the world is burning?/ Everyone answers to some...